Sunday, 24 November 2013

December Delights & Decisions

It's that time of year where I start getting excited about not just Christmas, but the whole month.
This month I also celebrate my birthday. Well, I wouldn't celebrate it exactly. In the week between Christmas & New Years is never a good time to have a birthday! Plus I'm working... Booooo!
But this year, I'm more determined to enjoy it and hopefully start some traditions.
For example,
1. Create some Christmas decorations and involve the nephews and niece. In fact E-R has already started the decorations and I've put the one she made for P & I up on our front door.
2. Bake some lovely goodies and get the family to try them out. Perfect the dessert to take over on Christmas Day when we all get together.
3. That Christmas Eve present. You know the one I'm on about... The ones I've seen floating about mention pyjamas. To start it off, I'm thinking maybe a DVD. P, I know you're reading this... It doesn't mean that it IS a DVD!
Maybe not tradition-making but,
4. Try new things, whether it's wearing eyeshadow, lipstick, more dresses etc.
5. Do something with my hair other than tie it up! Get adventurous!

I'm not going to make a massive list. It has already been a busy month so far!

L x

Saturday, 23 November 2013


Last time I blogged about my hypothyroidism, I last clocked in at 32 days... 
152 days later and I've still taking my tablets every day. Such a massive achievement!!! 
Obviously as a kid, my record is much higher but as an adult? Paha! 
I'm not going to lie, I've had them days where all I wanted was to sleep all day and just bury my head in the sand about it... But I can't. They're important tablets. My Nana made me realise that if I don't take these little tiny tablets every single day of my life, I won't function as me properly.
It does bug me that I'm stuck like this for the rest of my life, with regular blood tests to find out my levels, having to take my tablets before my breakfast, making sure I don't have too much iron as apparently that's meant to be avoided, keeping my vitamin D up as well so I don't get ill... Sounds easy haha! Whatcha going on about Laura?

One of the guys at work knew all about hypo (yep, let's shorten it down to make it easier) and oh it was good to be understood! 
It is quite hard to explain it to my unrelated & a few related loved ones, and sure they'll understand what it is, but not the effect it's had on me... 
In these last 184 days, I have felt better. But at the moment, just don't feel up to scratch. 

L x 

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

A New Discovery & Review

They're a nightmare.
I did the mistake of overplucking once and now I'm paying the consequences. 
It's more the outer parts that I have trouble with, so I thought I could always fill them in instead of looking like I have half eyebrows. Not a good look, ladies (and gentlemen)!
Argh! See? Although in this picture, they don't look as bad as they usually do.
But hairloss is a part of hypothyroidism.
Do not like that symptom whatsoever! I did think I'd get away from that. Sadly not...
Anyway, as I already had a few brow pencils from sets of Christmas presents from over the years, I thought I could always use them.
Not a great colour to be honest. They're all too dark and I look ridiculous.
This picture doesn't even show the true darkness of the colour.

So when I came across this much lighter one...
I HAD to pick it up! For £2.98 it was the cheapest I've seen.
I have looked at MUA in Superdrugs but they either didn't keep any in stock, or they just did a very dark brown or blonde.

Now my eyebrows are better! They're not great or perfect. But it's a much better colour.
I need a lot more practise, a hell of a lot more.

Rimmel, thank you!!

L x

Pictures are my own.
Product: Rimmel Professional Eyebrow Pencil in Hazel. Bought out of my own money. £2.98 at Asda.

Still A Newbie

I apologise for the silence. Combination of starting my new job and working as much as possible to earn them pennies, and busy busy busy on days off.
Not a good combination! It's made me ill. *sadface*
Lots to come when I have the chance! 

I've been living in the Midlands for just over 2 years now. And yet, I still don't know my way around that much. I know certain areas, but to a certain degree.
I remember when I moved to Greater Manchester... Quite often, I'd just get on the bus, get off somewhere and explore.
I have no idea why I haven't done that down here. 
So often, I want to just get on the bus to Leicester, and do some window shopping. Pointless I know. But I've only been there a small amount of times, and mostly we have a mission to get the Christmas shopping over and done with!

I do enjoy the Primark there, I will definitely admit that! 
The sparkly jacket from this post was from there and it's the only Primark I've seen go to a bigger size. Major plus!

So I got onto Google and created a list.

1. Hartshill Hayes Country Park
2. Twycross Zoo
3. Warwick Castle
4. Tamworth Castle
5. Heart Park
6. Hoar Park Farm
7. Coventry Transport Museum
8. Gorse Hill City Farm
9. Planet Ice
10. Coombe Country Park
11. Plantasia
12. Birmingham Christmas Market.

I'm sure there's plenty of other places that I would love to go to.
Just means that will be another post!

L x