Sunday 23 February 2014

Pinterest Picks of the Week.

Thinking of trying another way of wearing scarves. Came across this.
Isn't this cute?! According to the pin, it's a Russian wild kitten. A manul?
Coconut milk in your hair for an hour makes your hair grow faster and thicker.
Coconut, olive or almond oil helps to keep it smooth and healthy looking. I'd be more than happy to try this out! My hair is seriously lacking at the moment.
Definitely need to try this!
Thinking of having something like this for my wedding hair. The braid part.
Love the bouquet. One of the flowers I'm having. May end up doing this!
Has anyone tried the white wax crayon & watercolour paints?

L x

My Week in Pictures #5

Mr Tigger! Poorly lately, but he's doing pretty good for 16/17 years old!
Had a pretty good night on Thursday even though I've been feeling ill myself. 
The big event of the week/month... Baby Nell! So happy for V & E! Everyone was expecting a boy, but nope... Don't be surprised that I've become broody!
Phil & Nell! Oh I love this picture! <3
This is Phil & V's Mum... The pride & love was absolutely pouring out of her. You could hear how happy she is now she has two granddaughters. And yes, turned to me and told me it's my turn next. Some day! 

L x

Monday 10 February 2014

My Week in Pictures #4

It started to snow! Oh the excitement! Then to see it stopped & the sun started to shine.... Boo! :(
LOVE this man to pieces. Dress with hearts on for a relaxing Valentines Day. 
He certainly takes care of me. Come down poorly today so he's let me stay in bed and have a DVD day.
We went searching for wedding cars on Saturday! Sorted, and excited!
A relaxing Sunday evening!
Homemade toad-in-the-hole! All of this cost just about £1 for both of us. Quite impressed, and makes me want to try and challenge ourselves.Deeelish!

L x 

Sunday 9 February 2014

My Week in Pictures #3

Having a pretty day and hoping I'm getting the hang of drawing my eyebrows!
I'd love to say I loved this movie, but sadly I didn't. Best thing about it was the music. 
Love date nights with P! <3
This was absolutely delicious! The chips were like fluffy roasties in the shape of chips, and big! Definitely recommend The Tinhat for those in the local area! 
One of my favourite kitties ever. His human happens to be one of my bestest friends so I get to see this fluffiness often. 
Don't be surprised if he pops up!
One afternoon while food shopping, this was discovered. 
A delicious strawberry & vanilla yoghurt ice cream that tastes like the milkshake from McDonalds! Mmmm! Hopefully Asda will keep this stocked in.
One of my favourite hot chocolates ever from The Upton Barn Inn. 
We went to sort out the menu for the wedding meal. Eek! Exciting!!
Radox Muscle Soax. Heaven.

L x

Saturday 8 February 2014

A Little Note to Say I am Here!

As you can tell between my last few posts, I'm not on as much.
Camera broke and not had the chance to buy a new one. From what I've realised... I need a camera! 
Hopefully it's not too long until I can get one.

Major news coming up soon.
No, I'm not pregnant. But it is fantastic!

Tomorrow, we're also going to the reception venue to talk about menu options for our sit down meal. It was originally going to cost about £8-£10 per head... But thanks to just working with the menu they already have, saving more!
Another thrifty wedding post coming up soon too!

L x