This week has been absolutely full on! The house and wedding is taking up more time than I thought it would. Not long now, a month to go until the wedding... Eek!
In between browsing the internet to tick off my checklist (getting there!), having my back injury flare up, and doing bits around here, I'm glad to have found some time to myself. Whether it's doing a catchup on a challenge from @ellolovey's Instagram or trying out a clay mask, or catching an hour of sun in the garden.
This past Sunday was a weird day. I don't do so well with Fathers Day, a black day as we may call it.
Even after 10 years it's not easy having that day to celebrate fathers when mine is no longer here.
The service at church was a hard one but couldn't be missed... We had our last wedding banns read!
Back to the service. They had a board up at the front for everyone to put notes on to say what makes them so special. I kept my post it note in front of me and had a little chat with him in my head (it's always helped me at times), and I remembered my dream of him.
Came across a lovely poem on Pinterest and it spoke to my heart!
See what I mean?
Later on, when everyone else was busy doing their own thing, D (Phil's Dad) & I started making strawberry jam. He didn't just let me stand by and watch, but got me to stir and I felt like a little kid helping their Dad. Was a special moment. I stole a few strawberries, I say a few... Ha!
I can't tell you how much I wanted to hug him, give a kiss on the cheek and just thank him.
Definitely feel blessed to be able to have him as my father-in-law.
I love you Dads <3
L x