The Grace Dieu Priory was an Augustianian priory. For those ,like me, who didn't know what that meant and had to look it up - a priory is a monastery of men and women under religious vows that is headed by a prior or prioress. The Priory was dedicated to the
Holy Trinity and St Mary.
It was founded around 1235-1241 by Roesia "Rose" de Verdon and dissolved in 1538.
Following this, it was passed onto John Beaumont and his descendants and was made into a manor, until the early 1690s, where it was then purchased.
The priory buildings are still there as ruins.
It's said the ruins are home to a White Lady. (Those that are fellow Supernatural watchers will already know what this will mean). A woman who has been wronged in some way.
To be honest, before the investigation I wasn't feeling too good mood-wise. So I knew I wouldn't be 100%.
On the preliminary walk round the woods, my phone camera was picking up a lot.
As the investigation progressed, I did start thinking there was something wrong with my phone. I took it apart and rebooted it so many times I lost count. I also tested the flash when we went back to the pub for a break. Working absolutely normal.
I experienced a horrible pain in my stomach and burst into tears. That was odd.
I knew I wasn't 100% but it wasn't enough to make me cry...
Marc took me away from the group & I was fine again.
We didn't get much action through the Ouija boards, but it was still a great experience.
My back flared up a lot but when we stopped in places, I was determined to enjoy
the night.
In the chapter house, we split into groups. Five of us girls were surrounding the pendulum, there were a group surrounding the ouija board and some using the scrying mirror.
Those of us who were surrounding the pendulum had quite a few giggles... Could not stop joking around about 50 Shades of Grey. One of them moments where you just had to be there to appreciate the funniness of it.
Phil first started in the group around the ouija board and communicated with a child. Not surprising... As it's 300 yards away from the school that was named after the priory.
It also had a hospital part where young women went to lose their unborn children.
It's safe to say that it was an interesting night and if it wasn't for the pain in my back, I'd certainly go and investigate there again.
On to the next venue!
L x
Phil first started in the group around the ouija board and communicated with a child. Not surprising... As it's 300 yards away from the school that was named after the priory.
It also had a hospital part where young women went to lose their unborn children.
It's safe to say that it was an interesting night and if it wasn't for the pain in my back, I'd certainly go and investigate there again.
On to the next venue!
L x
The images in the History part has been taken off the internet. The other images are my own taken with an iPhone4.