Friday 7 June 2013


Payday is dangerous! Always start off with a plan to spend as little as possible and just get the little top up bits and bobs...
We ventured into Asda to buy said bits and bobs... and the sale rail was right by the entrance! Uh oh.
I saw this dress & I just knew it was perfect for the wedding of Phil's brother and his fiancee... which is just before Christmas.
Yes, that's right. I've bought a dress for an event that's in 7 months time.
As you can see in the picture, it originally cost £20 and was reduced to £7.50. Lovely! Just over 57% off!
Obviously as the time gets closer, I'll do a post on the complete outfit I'll wear.

I also bought this lovely top from a charity shop for £3. Must say, the charity shops around here are just like every normal clothing store when it comes to prices. I'm sure the prices just get higher and higher! This is definitely worth £3!
Anyhoo! This was a treat to myself for a week of taking my Thyroxine tablets. For me, that was a big deal. The longest time I've taken them is 3/4 days before I ended up forgetting again (all will be explained in another post...).

Thanks to this lovely weather we've been having lately, I've been wanting to go round a carboot and find some bargains! We found a local one the very next day and Phil & I couldn't help but have a wander round.

These are what I found...

Price ranges from 50p to £1. To be honest, I've completely forgot which ones which. I do know the last bag pictured cost me 50p.

We got some other bits and bobs. We bought some board games for when the nephews come round, although to be honest I can see us spending hours playing Battleship and Hungry Hippos ourselves... haha!
I also bought a little writing set, the kind that you would usually get when you were younger.

I'm off to write a letter to my Nana... bye for now!

L x

Edit: just had to correct some spelling :)

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