The Hinckley Museum is trying to raise money so Marc & Neil from 2 Haunted Venues were generous to host a whole weekend of investigations and all the money from the tickets would go to the Museum.
This event started at 7.30pm instead of the usual 9pm. I had no idea until we got there, that it included a guided ghost tour of Hinckley.
Was so excited! ... Until the guy started talking. Just wanted to get on with the night. I blame having too much energy. No idea why! Been having having problems with sleep lately.
Anyway! Back to topic.
After the tour, we headed back to the museum for a tea break.
Marc did his usual talk. Being regulars now, we've heard it enough to know it off by heart.
In the first main exhibition room, we split up onto 4 tables.
3 of the tables didn't get any contact. But the table that had a glass in the centre was fantastic!
The rest of us were moved to other rooms and still didn't get any contact.
All of us went to the break room to be separated into two groups.
Thanks to the dizziness I've been having lately, I knew I wouldn't be able to go upstairs or into the cellar either.
While the two groups were doing their thing, I experienced tarot cards for the first time. So shocked at how true they were.
From what Phil told me, he felt so connected in the red room. Now, now.
Stop thinking of Christian Grey & 50 Shades.
A red room is where it's more negative. A place to push.
The red room in the Museum is said to have a door/portal.
Both Phil & Marc felt someone on the other side and were frustrated at how they wouldn't come forward.
Meanwhile, in the cellar, there was communication with Edward. Remember him from a previous post? He was the one they found out the name of. The one who hid keys in maps?
There was a new toy tonight where the spirit could use everyone's energies like on a Ouija board, but they'd be able to draw instead.
Not sure what they asked but he pointed it in the direction of Tamworth Castle and it's believed he was held there.
Myself and one of the volunteers were watching the camera in the cellar and watched the temperature go from 59 degrees to around 26. This was quite shocking because of the amount of bodies in the cellar.
After about half an hour or so of each place, another tea break was taken.
Finally, for the last attempt, we went to the room above the main exhibition room. At first we were all in a big circle, holding hands, trying to get something to come forward. We were then split up again onto several tables. Phil, myself and two other guests were put onto one of the two Ouija boards. Phil stepped away because of how tired he was, bless him. I'd had two cups of PG Tips by then and had some caffeine in my system, while he's not a fan of hot drinks.
The energy around the table wasn't exactly as buzzing as I've felt it before with other people.
It was quite weak but we had a bit of a joker playing with us.
Marc cut us off shortly after it started picking up, which was disappointing, but I don't blame him! It's a long weekend for him!
To be honest, it's a shame we didn't go for the second night instead. I think there's a few people we've seen before going to that one.
Not entirely sure, but I think it's just under 3 months until I next go to another event. I know Phil's going to one at the end of the month to a rearranged event.
Seems like such a long time to wait!
L x