Wednesday 28 August 2013

Thoughtful Thursday #12

You are always responsible for how you act, no matter how you feel.
This matters quite abit to me.
Over the years, this is sort of how I've become...
No matter how hurt I feel by a family member, I remember more important factors and that I don't need to act out. Why would there be any need?
Even if I'm in one of them blah moods and we have the nephews over, I will paste on a smile and find an activity for us all to enjoy.

I had a massive argument with my Mum last October... Been a long time coming to be honest... This argument caused me to lose the whole side of that family and that hurts. 
I wasn't given a chance by any of the others because of the slagging off I was given. Thanks to all of this, I cherish my new family. 
Lots of different personalities, and I feel right in. 
I savour the friends that have stayed my friend even though I moved 150 miles away.

In a way, I am glad that I started the argument. Things needed to be said. 
And even though there were consequences for my actions, they didnt have to choose sides.

L x

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